
Posted on 24/09/2009 by alexleut
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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 See the video at http://alexleut.com/drawbot.html This was my first legitimate "robot." I hacked it together from an arduino and a RC car chassis. Bizarrely, the forward/backward for the drive motor was pretty unproportionate. Because of this, my attempts at doing stuff like rendering golden spirals (via a little fibs generator) didn't work, so I just ended up using stuff in its way to keep it from getting out of control. I plan to make a more controllable bot, maybe this time with ...


 See the video at http://alexleut.com/drawbot.html

This was my first legitimate "robot." I hacked it together from an arduino and a RC car chassis. Bizarrely, the forward/backward for the drive motor was pretty unproportionate. Because of this, my attempts at doing stuff like rendering golden spirals (via a little fibs generator) didn't work, so I just ended up using stuff in its way to keep it from getting out of control.

I plan to make a more controllable bot, maybe this time with modified servos or steppers to drive it.

Stuff used:

  • Standard Arduino Duemilanove
  • L293D based motor shield from ladyada (http://www.ladyada.net/make/mshield/)
  • Cheap RC car
  • Lots of tape



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