"Doudah" robot worms

Another "thing" that does not sound like a robot

DOUDAH = worms in Arabic

The chassis is a rule of 30cm cut in half.

One motor used + 2 gears walls






just crawl

  • Power source: 2x 1.5 v
  • Target environment: on a flat surface

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/doudah-robot-worms

Very original. Like it lots! Dont know why but somehow its very cool.

Nice and original
Very creative with limited parts. You got the right idea.

I like your style. Both
I like your style. Both build-style and soundtrack rocks

very cool. I would like to

very cool. I would like to see it turn :p.


**Excellent.Do you have a **


Do you have a rachet on the bottom to stop it sliding backwards?