Domain Adhd

Well as if I don't have enough development systems to study(my poor Ti launchpad lies waiting still) I couldn't resist getting the Cortex ARM- M4 discovery board from St Microelectronics. It looked a really good value board and I know there are a few people here who have already got one. Delivered it cost me 25 dollars Aus. Thats about what arduinos cost here in shops but of course this board comes with a lot more features.

I sometimes wonder if my appetite for learning stifles my productivity and it seems almost a bizarre form of Adhd to flit from one system or task to another. But for now this one is staying boxed until I finish my Udacity cs101 course. Just interested to know, does anyone else find they also spend more time studying and experimenting than completing projects. At times I get frustrated at this "stupidity" of mine.