Diy shoulder axle/pin/shaft/dowel pin?

inquiry_shoulder_pin.jpg (25370Bytes)


I would like to 

- create a shouldered pin* in order to glue gearwheels** to it 

- ask you for any advice or link that may hint me towards a solution


any ideas are highly appreciated:

i already had a look at misumi, conrad, rscomponents, alibaba, ebay, amazon "small parts" …

but could not find any suitable solution.




* pin's dimensions:

                      left              center                     right


diameter        1 mm             2.5 mm                1 mm

length            2 mm             13 mm                 2 mm


**made from delrin & brass.

These gearwheels are spinning at a speed of ca. 4000 rounds per minute

(a prototype*** worked well with superglued-gearwheels )


***my prototype: 1mm steel wire surrounded by heat-shrinked tube


Or a section of smooth rod
Or a section of smooth rod with a smaller piece of tubing that fits reasonably tightly over the rod. Then washers over that if the tubing isn’t enough of a “shoulder.”

I’m sure I am failing to understand your question properly.

What keeps you from buying a piece of all thread and maybe a section of carbon fiber tube to slip over it and maybe nuts and washers to keep everything in place?

If you really don’t need threaded roof rod maybe just a smooth rod?

*edited: you gotta watch out for those threaded roofs(?).

PS: if you are out to save weight and money, simply adding a shoulder of material at the proper places would do both.

thanks a lot for all of your helpful and immediate replies!!!


thanks a lot for all of your helpful and immediate replies!!!


… especially for your kind offer, ossipee: i highly appreciate!

i am living in germany hence most likely too far away;


Thanks for the threaded & carbon rod hint!

- I forgot about posting a picture of the surroundings (pls. see below):

  using a threaded pin with a bolt/nut combination might conflict with the lack of space in between the axle’s endings/bushings

- i will start searching for carbon rods as they might come in different sizes/strength than the metal ones


i did not create them myself yet because  …

- i did not succeed in finding a suitable tube to cover / fix / glue it to the 1mm axle* 

- my heat-shrinked tube/1mm wire combinations did not always result well aligned gearwheels

- i have no access or knowledge about milling/lathing machines (there’s no nearby makershed or any similar facility)

- e.g. macmaster-carrs easy-to-form brass 1.1 mm tubes (the closest match i found on the www so far) do have a outer diameter of 0.45 mm 

- customised dowel pins (as available at e.g. misumi) are very accurate but very expensive 

   (& i did not find any with an outer diameter of 1mm and 2.5 mm)



- outer 2.5 mm (needed for the 1 mod crown gearwheel on top)

- inner 1mm (needed for the 0.3 mod, 10 teeth gearwheel on the lower edge)




thanks a lot …

… i need to figure out how to “reply all” - meanwhile pls. see my comment above

thanks a lot …

… i need to figure out how to “reply all” - meanwhile pls. see my comment above

just an idea…

Maybe you can do something with a wrist watch pin?

quick search returned

I bet they have 1mm rod as well. From the looks of it, if you buy from them, you will have enough tube for axle shoulders until you are “blue in the face.” :stuck_out_tongue:

thanks again

sorry for being reallllly late with my reply …

& thank you for the brilliant link /making me turn blue in the face :)!

That definitely is a great link, didn’t know about Easycomposites yet

(already felt tempted to order at US - Macmaster Carr ).

thanks a lot for the hint -

thanks a lot for the hint - amazing idea, never heard about that item before -

i had a look at ebay/amazon/aliexpress - the pins’ sizes are very close

to my specs (1.5 mm standard for the middle part & similar diameters for the endings)

will have a try , probably need to sand them down