DIY Remote control Casing

Mainly the first three. In hi-res, if you can.

It’s looking like a very useful router!


Alan KM6VV

Sorry for now i only have them in that resolution. but ask and i will take some… :slight_smile:

Thanks Eric!

Alan KM6VV

I have a hard time connecting my Controller board an one motor… Just want to test something… lol

Controller Board:

I want to use EMC2… but open to test anything to make a motor turn… want to know if the hardware work

EMC2 is fine, if you need any help with that fell free.

just wanna say about weak points, please treat below as FYI info and care of it when planning jobs for your CNC:

1)motors if i calculated well is just 0,37Nm (53 oz in) HOLD torque to be honest it’s not to much but may be enough for some tasks. also this will not allow to reach nice speeds.
that is actually quite important when your CNC job is big, like a relief cutting or alu work.

  1. driver chosen by you gives only up to 2A per motor and motor needs 3,8 - result: it should work (remember about wery good radiator, separate for each L298 also definitely with FANs), L298 is nice chip but with that set you need to divide holding torque by half

  2. linear bearings are ok but one thing - not supported rods - what comes next if they are long enough there will be deflections

are the main screws the ballscrews?

All Hardware i have now was give for Free… So i was looking to make the CNC move… lol
Once i get more familiar with the CNC i will update to better hardware. Probably HobbyCNC Kit

so it’s good machine if you didn’t bought it :slight_smile:

i just wanna say that you need to be careful with what you will try to do on it, mistakes will cost in milling bits.
IMHO this one is good starting point for CNC beginner for learning, should be enough for PCB/plastic/ may be alu engraving and plastic routing. soft metal works would be possible but will take tooo long (very little recess in material+ very slow cutting speed)

as for additional soft i may recommend kind of a CAD (solid edge 2D draft is free for example) and kind of CAM (i like CamBam, 40 runs for free and license not expensive, and it have postprocessor for EMC) but of course that’s your choice

bipolar or unipolar motors? Your driver appears to be bipolar (which is good).

As Zac said, a little low on the torque, but probably usable for wood and plastics. Very light work in aluminum. My first CNC’d mill used 70 oz/in steppers (unipolar). I use 180 oz/in steppers on my Sherline mill and 85 oz/in on the lathe. My little router has smaller steppers, I can’t recall off hand.

Driver only rated at 2A, motors are almost twice that. Not a good match. Set the current limit to 2A (if you can) and try it out.

TurboCNC is free, and probably a little easier to run then EMC2. but the guys on the CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO list can help.

These steppers and drivers came with it (same vendor)?

Alan KM6VV

In fact I just want to make it move with that setup.
Will post more info when home

What i got free is 5 stepmotors + 1 controller card + 3 stepmotors knobs. He give me thoses with the cnc.

Now what i want to do is:
Plug 1 stepmotor, witch is not on the cnc, to the controller and make it turn… lol

Tenchnological Arts

If i look at the PDF of the // port
i have the pinout

ok then. to make it run without PC and software you need to have square wave generator 0-10kHz would be perfectly enough. 10kHz as i remember well is a top limit of chopper L297.
if you have any thats great, if no you can do it yourself like on below picture

LM555/NE555 or any other 555 timer/generator would be nice. other + it’s really cheap :smiley:

tanks a lot for the info, that’s realy good to know.

But sorry for my english, i probably not express myself good enough.
I want to wire my free controller to one of my free motor and make it move with the computer.
2 software choice:
Mach3 can be use without registration for a maximum of 500 lines of gcode
EMC2 wich is easy to install with live cd. (would like this one more)

I did a test yesterday with the controller and one of the big step motor i got (Zweiphansen-Schrittmotor 1.8 3455).
Connected 12v power to both logic and motor (on board reg for 5v) and connected the motor.
Noise comming from the motor, motor hold his position but can’t move it (Use EMC2 and setup pins). I use the schematic of parralel port post before to know the pins. My Power supply is probably not big enough but all i want is move… lol
I will put the 12v on logic and use a 24v on motor.

i got some information about the “Slo-Syn” step motor
Anyone can help me wire that motor with a 4 wire config ?

well :slight_smile: english is not my native too

try this:

easiest one is to use BD as one phase and AC as another - better torque with less amperes

other config named half coil gives better motor dynamic (acceleration/deceleration) but less torque - D+B/D or B+ B/D as one phase and accordingly A+A/C or C+A/C

also very probably you will need to combine a bit. if EMC is “moving” motor but motor itseft not rotating just making noise - try to reverse one phase by changing connection place of the cable.
for example
motor board
Ph1 B-------A
Ph1 D-------B
Ph2 A-------C
Ph2 C-------D

change to
motor board
Ph1 B-------A
Ph1 D-------B
Ph2 C-------C
Ph2 A-------D

:exclamation: just remember to turn off the power before change :exclamation:

PS. 24V for motors is optimal voltage, it will not burn because of the chopper chip but i would not suggest to try higher voltage because of the back EMF occurrence in motors. very high risk to burn L298

PPS :exclamation: did you put L298 chips on separate radiators?

Wow that was a fast answer.
i will try that later when i will be in the office.

Ok if i am right:

Pin2 = Step U4
Pin3 = Step U5
Pin4 = Step U6
Pin6 = Direction U4
Pin7 = Direction U5
Pin8 = Direction U6

I need to setup that in EMC2. I don’t need the others pins right now ?
Parallel port Setup.jpg

for output those would be enough, but actually it’s not typical CNC setup (should work no worries)
also check if LPT ground pins 17-25 are connected to logic GND

typical is
Pin2 = Step X
Pin3 = Dir X
Pin4 = Step Y
Pin6 = Dir Y
Pin7 = Step Z
Pin8 = Dir Z

  • few other for 2 additional relays (spindle +coolant) and rest are input pins for limit/home switches

thats why i’m suggested to use generator. with that you playing with 1/3 of board only, catch correct setup and make analogue for rest. but your way should provide to result too.

one more extremely important thing with 297+298 logic power should be applied as first if possible then the motor power, and turning of is reverse way motors first then logic.

also good thing for you :stuck_out_tongue: - i’m using L297+298 pairs too for my CNC but each axis is separate driver

Sounds like Zac’s got it covered!

Alan KM6VV

Kurte has put my head switch to “ON” position, since he start a project that is close to my goals… :slight_smile:

Found an interesting way to do casing with sheet pannel.

anyone try it ?
some kind of cool screw and nut encased…

Do you have any experience with handwheels and EMC2?

handwheels? sorry didnt get question

Something like this: … rseite.JPG

I want to attach this handwheel to my EMC based router.
If you know how to do this please pm me. Its not ok to spam this thread with other things