I didnt know where to put this question but here we go.
I bought a iFootage Shark S1 slider some time ago and Im thinking of making it motorized for cinematography.
But because Iam a beginner with electronics and robotics I thought I would ask you guys.
Ive already browsed the internet for some motors and controllers but I do not even know if they will work together.
So if you have any solutions or feedback on how or why this wouldnt or would work better, be my guest and speak up.
Let’s talk about Stepper motor and R/C Servo motor first.
They are very different as one is made to have exact positioning with internal potentiometer and the other rely on the quantity of Steps to know it’s position.
R/C servo will take standard R/C signal as an input and will position itself accordingly. Standard servos only have 90 to 180 degree of rotation. Some are multi-turn but this will only give you about 3.5 turns.
Stepper motor will be able to turn freely in any directions without limits. They do not have positioning feedback but if correctly implemented in the driver, can know it’s position. They are widely use in CNC Cutting devices and 3D Printers.
If you don’t need a precise position, you could as well go for a Geared DC Motor instead. Which is easier to work without programming.
The iFootage Shark S1 seems to already have a belt system so you might want to look at a way to connect to it.
Our suggestion would be a Stepper motor with an Arduino based microcontroller.
Do you have any background in programming for an Arduino ?
That turn restriction with the RC servo, does that mean a modified continuous servo as well?
If not, would you still recommend a stepper motor over a continuous servo?
Maybe I’m just skeptic against the “stepper” tag of its name and don’t think its smooth enough
I can lift the top plate on either side of the slider and swap the belt cog to an extended one that would fit and connect to the motor, if only I can figure out what the model number is for that part.
I do not have any experience with Arduino but my brother bought a starter kit long ago so he could probably help me out when he is free.
I just need to know the specific parts I should buy and the code then it shouldn’t be a problem
One of the advantage of a R/C servo is the ability to get a position precisely.
When using a modified servo as Continuous Rotation, you loose this feature.
Stepper motor are most of the time 1.8deg per steps and the controllers not can go in Microstepping which give you a lot of steps.
Here is an example found on YouTube:
They actually sell a system to motorize but is very expensive.
Here is a picture on how they did it. Since they add another pulley and belt, this also reduce the Step effect. (this is a stepper motor)
Didnt quite follow you when you said “…[highlight=#ffffff][size=2][font=Arial Black]controllers not can go in Microstepping” but I guess you mean that it can move at different speeds, if not then Ill ask, is a stepper motor capable to move at different speeds? [/font][/size][/highlight]
[highlight=#ffffff][size=2][font=Arial Black][/font][/size][/highlight]
[font=Arial Black][size=2][highlight=#ffffff]Any recommendations on what parts I should be looking at that live up to my criteria in my first post?[/highlight][/size][/font]
[font=Arial Black][size=2][highlight=#ffffff]Im thinking of adding an LCD aswell and program it so I can manually set the settings when Im out in the wild.[/highlight][/size][/font]
Stepper motors, as the name say, will move from one step to the other.
That mean if the motor have a 1.8deg step angle, it will move minimally 1.8deg each time.
Now the stepper motor controller can do Microstepping which mean you can achieve fraction of a step and get a smoother rotation.
It’s really hard to suggest parts without knowing dimension etc…
Due to me not knowing sh*t about electronics like this I have to ask.
Is it still possible to get different speeds from a stepper motor?
I mean, for one shoot I might want a slow movement but in the next I just turn t[size=2][font=Arial]he [highlight=#ffffff]potentiometer and speed the motor up for faster shoot[/highlight][/font][/size]?
Like this one: vimeo.com/21491431
I found this link and the mounting seems like something I would want. thingiverse.com/thing:410350
(but I would try and make it with something more durable than a 3D printed plastic)
In this video, the guy is using a simple DC motor which is always an option too.
Stepper motors can be use to do pattern and sequences easily but if you don’t need positioning a normal DC motor might be a good choice.
3D printed parts could work just right, they will reduce the vibration at the same time.
You could just buy those parts found on Thingiverse by uploading them to Shapeways but they are made for a stepper motor.
[font=Arial][size=2]Well, if I want to be able to do time-lapse (move, stop, move, stop and so on) and continuous motion in both directions with speed control I would need a stepper or a servo motor (non continuous one) right?[/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=2]But, if I make the servo to a continuous one I loose the position ability, so a stepper motor is the choice I should go?![/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=2]Do you have any stepper motor that would suit my criteria?[/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=2][highlight=#ffffff]- affordable as possible yet reliable[/highlight]
[highlight=#ffffff]- smooth and stable motion[/highlight]
[highlight=#ffffff]- various speed (forward and backwards) + time-lapse function[/highlight]
[highlight=#ffffff]- be able to pull a dslr + lens vertically upwards (atleast 4kg/cm to be on the safe side)[/highlight][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=2][highlight=#ffffff]And in order to get all this working I need:[/highlight][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=2][/highlight][highlight=#ffffff]rRev 3 (my bro[/highlight]ther has one of these in the Arduino starter kit)
[highlight=#ffffff]Dual Bipolar Stepper Motor Controller for Arduino[/highlight]
[font=Arial][size=2]Will I be able to pull that off with this setup or should I swap or add something?[/size][/font]
You will be able to do motion with both the normal DC motor and the Stepper motor.
A modified R/C servo for continuous rotation will not give you any feedback of position and might not give you enough torque as well.
If you only want to manually control your motor, so with a potentiometer have the speed set and with a switch change the direction. A DC motor will be easier.
To use a Stepper motor you have to code an application or found one online.
The motor don’t have to handle the weight of the camera since you have gearing in the system that increase the torque.
First, i would talk with my brother and know if he feel capable of doing the application for you.
Than the choice of a Stepper or DC motor will be easier.
I think I will go with a stepper motor.
My brother thinks we should go with a LCD that we can get a specific setting from instead of a potentiometer, so I think he is capable of programming it (atleast I hope so).
I have built something that fits all of the OP criteria, as they were also mine when starting the project. Lifts 5lbs vertically without stalling, variable speed controls, large and super inexpensive. There is a complete tutorial here. Can also be used for making lenticular prints! Cost is just over $250, all the parts come from either Amazon or Servo City.
[size=2][font=Arial][highlight=#fbfbfb]DiaLFonZo, what Robotshop motor would you recommend that was:[/highlight][/font][/size]
silent or very quiet[/highlight][/font][/size]
[size=2][font=Arial][highlight=#fbfbfb]- 30-60 RPM[/highlight][/font][/size]
[size=2][font=Arial][highlight=#fbfbfb]- could be mounted similar to the existing unit[/highlight][/font][/size]
[size=2][font=Arial]A silent option would be a nice option for people recording video[/font][/size]
Most of the ServoCity lineup motor will work as they share the same mounting and shaft. If you want to go as high as 60RPM you can get the 6-12V 60RPM motor
About sound, they are not rated for that specification.
In general, the more gears you add, the more sound it produce. So a lower gear ratio will be better for sound but will produce less torque.
You can try to add grease to lower the sound in the gearbox, that might work.