DIY custom 2.4ghz RC radio system for robotics

I payed for it 20110305
They sent it from HongKong 20110319
and as i live in sweden it will take some time to get here…

Hi all,
I did a little more research on the input to the Spektrum DSM2 Airmodule and found that the input is intended for an open collector signal. I do not know if this has been mentioned in this massive, but informative thread.
I intend to use the DSM2 Airmodule with an Endurance RC PCTx and was determining how to interface the PCTx output to the DSM2 Airmodule. To get the signal polarity right, it looks like I will have to have the PCTx drive a PNP transistor hooked to the DSM2’s open collector input.
Just a thought.

Hi all,

Take a look at this joystick ppm encoder and Tx interface: … s&Itemid=8

Uses an Arduino Nano, but can use just about any Arduino processor board. Comes complete with schematic and code.



I am hoping that someone might be able to help me here. I have all the parts to complete this project and have tested the code. I have been able to get the keypad working however when it came to moving servos with the joysticks I could move them so far and them nothing!!! It like the recever would not respond!!! I had no problem doing the bind between the TX & RX but i think it might be the different readings of the joysticks themselves. I got them from Lynxmotion (Part No: GIM-02) and when I did some A/D reading of the pots it got 0 - 1024 on the X & Y axes. So my question is has someone here used these joysticks???
Is it possible that you made be able to help me to get the correct readings so then I can adjust the code posted to get this thing working. Is there something I have misted!!!

1024 1024 | | | | 0------o------ 1024 0------o------1024 | | | | 0 0

Any help would be great!!!

Noob here i have my remote all put together keypad and everything… Im building a Quadrocopter and would like to know (or help) adjusting the code to better deal with flight

please explain this and how you wired it up, please i have a dm8 module and it wont go into bind mode at all. i have a dev board and when i hook it up there everything works fine. the jr pinout is different but i hooked it up correctly (i think) HELP

Mate your wasting your time posting on here…I have tried to get answers in regards to this and have posted many times but noone answers. They don’t even answer question on there own products!!!


??? - This is only your 5th post. I know I tried to answer some before… Also FYI - Most of us up here are simply hobbyist and don’t work for Lynxmotion…

As I mentioned in another posting of this, I don’t remember it has been almost 4 years since I did that and I personally converted all of my stuff to XBees. Now if it were me, I would google on the bind process and try to find a site that is particular to your radio… I would then look at websites like: … cleid=1923


Hi All,
If you want to build a gamer’s USB joystick eight channel R/C transmitter that will work with the Spektrum DM8 FUT module, check out this thread over at RCG: