Discover the AI Agent Host for Raspberry Pi-based robotics projects


I’m thrilled to introduce my open source project , the AI Agent Host - an interactive platform for learning AI concepts. It’s designed to integrate with various tools like QuestDB, VSCode, Grafana and Nginx. What makes it particularly exciting for Raspberry Pi-based robotics projects is its ability to integrate sensors and cameras for real-time data processing.

Check it out at: Raspberry Pi AI Agent Host. I provide full support; just create a discussion or an issue on the GitHub repository if you have any questions or need assistance.


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Hello @quant and welcome to our forum!

This really looks like a professional and interesting project.

Is there maybe a showcase project where this is implemented already on a Raspberry Pi robot?

Hey @igor_X, thank you for your interest in the AI Agent Host Open Source project!

The Weather Station and GPS Tracker functionalities are already successfully implemented. Our AI Agent Host empowers your Raspberry Pi-based robot to:

  • Weather Station: Continuously monitor environmental data like temperature, humidity, pressure and air quality, providing real-time insights.

  • GPS Tracker: Track your robot’s precise location in real-time, making it perfect for mapping and navigation tasks.

    Additionally, your robot benefits from a cellular internet connection with a fixed IP address for the SIM card. This ensures a remote connection to a GPU Server from the code editor which can be valuable for offloading intensive computing tasks. Meanwhile, users can access over https the three essential web apps of the AI Agent Host ecosystem, including the database, visualization tools, and code editor, for enhanced control and data analysist

We’re actively working on showcasing other applications such as computer vision, robotics, AI Human Interaction, healthcare, and market data. Feel free to ask questions or share your ideas because I am new to robotics.

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Thank you for the detailed explanation.