Directions do not respond

My Rover used to work well. After a long period of inactivity, I plugged it back and I got a problem with the directions. Motor speeds is controlled properly with the sample code (WASD) but the direction (of both motors) cannot be changed. One is going forward, the other backward whatever the level on pin 7 and 8 is. However, if I check the voltage on these pins, it is actually changed by the program, as well as on R29 and R30.
Is it possible there is a switch or a jumper or something else that could have changed and which could lead to such a problem?
I have switched the wires of one motor to make them go in the same direction but there is no reverse or turn possible.
Thanks for your help.

Try uploading the sample code again and testing with the USB connected.
If that does not work, try the full speed code (found in the manual).

I have already tried that and it’s still not working.
Thank you
Pierre Cottin

Can you provide a few clear photos of your setup from multiple angles?

Here is a couple of pictures of the rover (.zip). I have retried the original control program (tank_wasd_keyboard_control.ino) with the same issue: tracks only moves forward, cannot change motors direction.
Let’s hope you will find something odd in my setup.
Thanks for your help. (1.77 MB)

Do both tracks only move forward or is the issue with one track? Do they move backwards? Does pressing any other key cause the tracks to stop? These questions are to figure out of there’s a code / baud or communication issue between the rover and the PC.
Can you try the setup with another PC? We’d like to give you diagnosis, but the symptoms are odd. Also, what is the black stuff next to the USB connector?

As the motors are connected, w and a move both tracks forward and s and d move the left track forward, the right does’nt move. Other letters stop the movement.
If I change the polarity of the motors, they will move backward. I have checked the level of each pin (5,6,7,8) and they change as expected. Referuing to the schematic, it is like if U6(A,B,C,D) gates do not work properly anymore (it used to work perfectly couple of months ago).
Regarding the black stuff next to the usb connector, it’s glue. The connector soldering was not robust and it came off quite rapidely. I soldered it back and add some glue to keep it in place.

There are no additional parts to the robot which may cause issues, so we’ll proceed with an exchange for the PCB. It is very rare a motor controller fails.
Please send an e-mail to [email protected] with a link to this message as well as your invoice number.
We apologize for any inconvenience.