What’s the difference between Arducam 8MP Synchronized Stereo Camera Bundle for Jetson Nano differ from the Arducam 8MP Synchronized Stereo Camera Bundle for Raspberry Pi? It looks like the only difference is that the Jetson Nano includes a female-female ribbon cable extender, but I wanted to verify there wasn’t any firmware restrictions; I develop with both and will probably start development with the Pi and move to the Jetson.
I was directed to the forums after talking to a customer service rep (Nicole) via the instant chat.
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Hi @ajtoth91 and welcome to our forum!
Most probably you are right, that the only difference is with the cables.
But, just to be sure, we will check with manufacturer and we will let you know.
Thank you.
Hi again @ajtoth91!
Here is the a reply from manufacturer:
The main difference is 1pcs Jetvariety board is needed when Arducam Synchronized Stereo Camera bundle works with Jetson Nano, while it is no need for Raspberry Pi.