Diecimila, Duemilanove the same or not?

I've been confuse with the arduino which I don't even know if they're the same or not. I'm just asking if they're both the same, like they got the program codes, same instruction like the www.letsmakerobots.com/node/2164 . So all I'm asking Is the arduino duemilanove the same thing as arduino diecmila. If it's yes then I'm good to build my robot project.

Also The Duemilanove uses


The Duemilanove uses Auto-reset when uploading ( I think that was updated on this version, maybe be on Diecimilia) along with Auto-power selection, no need to use the jumpers. But other than that, just the chip as he was saying. They’re 100% compatibile in terms of coding.

The Duemillanove is just the most recent version of the USB-Arduino. :smiley:

So i think you guy are

So i think you guy are telling me that the duemilanove and diecimila do have the same robot program, except for the AVR chip.

Wow thanks. :slight_smile:

Wow thanks. :slight_smile:

Wait a minute…if

Wait a minute…if both diecimila and duemilanove are the same but doesn’t have the same AVR chip, then what is the program code for the ATmega368 chip?