DFRobotShop Rover 1.0 Motor Speed

Hello I am trying to make the motors that came with my unit not have to move at 255… I have tried many different speeds such as 20/100/200 and none of them work. The motor just buzzes and some red leds next to the motor connection dimmly light up. If this has already been answered I apologize in advance, the search is a little odd to use. As for the code Im using, I know it works because I have tried switching out the values in the sample code as well and the same problem occurs.

EDIT:: So I replaced my batteries and tried the sample code again and found that I could get the speed down to 215 on the sample code without any buzzing… originally I had the motor putting out to the A axle, I changed it around to put out of the C axle and everything works now. I believe the problem is that using the A axle required more kinetic friction for initial movement.

The only configuration for the gear system is configuration C; configurations A and B don’t work (you need to change all the wheels and tracks to get configurations A and B to work). Happy you got it working.