Few days ago, we bought a “dfrobot tank v2”.
At the beginning it works perfectly but yesterday it starts to give some problems.
IT DOESN’T WORK!. After we plugged in a simple programm (the robot have to go on)
But today it doesn’t work: the two motors doesn’t run, the arduino program doesn’t recognize the shield,
and there is the red led “PWR” always ON.
What is the problem?
Thanks in advance,
Have a good day.
We do not have an order with this e-mail. Can you provide a link to the product you purchased, as well as a number of photos of your actual setup (when pressing reply, there is a grey bar with “attachments” below it which you expand using the arrow).
Does the computer properly detect the Arduino microcontroller? Is the battery charged? The more information you can provide, the better we can help you diagnose and resolve the issue.
Yes the email we used to buy the robot was another one.
The robot is this: robotshop.com/en/dfrobotshop … c-kit.html
You can see the configuration in the pictures.
We hope it’s nothing serious…
Thank you again
Sorry i’ve forgot to say that, no, arduino IDE do not recognize the robot when we connect it to the computer.
And yes, the batteries are full.
Can you disconnect the battery holder, unscrew the motors wires from the screw terminals (and also remove the LiPo jumper since you do not seem to be using a LiPo battery).
Install the latest version of Arduino: arduino.cc/en/Main/Software
When you plug in the board via USB to your computer, does your computer try to detect what is plugged in? If it does nothing at all, then can you try a different USB cable / different USB port / different computer?