Hi there. I bought a new dfrobot rover v2 plus bluetooth. I can’t upload codes to my dfrobot rover v2. the error description was:
avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00
I know it has something to do with board type. I tried installing a driver from arduino.cc and the driver it installed was Arduino Mega ADK. Then I did the instructions from the manual and selected default (Arduino Uno) board in arduino sketch. I got the avrdude error. Then I tried switching the board to Arduino Mega ADK but it cause a time out to the board.
Also, I tried to uninstall and install again the Arduino Uno driver but my OS still selects Arduino Mego ADK.
My computer is running in Windows 7 Home 64bit. Do you think it has to do with the OS that is why I got a wrong driver?
I also, I forgot to remove the jumpers for the LiPO battery source in my first run of the kit. You think there is something to do with this?
Your technical knowledge would be really appreciated.
Ok, somehow I was able to execute the blink and WASD programs.
- Did you choose the right COM port in the Arduino software?
- Do you have the Bluetooth module connected?
I had it connected to the XBEE2 module and switch the board to XBEE1 when uploading the codes as told in the instructions. However, I soldered (fixed) the bluetooth to XBEE2 module because I broke the 2 pin headers (am I right?).
I was using 4AAA battery provided with the kit and I misunderstood the instructions from the manual in using different versions. Anyway, it worked fine, 1) Andruino Mega SDK detected driver, 2) set board to Andruino UNO in uploading on the sketch and 3) COM3 was detected for communication to dfrobot module.
Another problem I encountered was the bluetooth module.The bluetooth was detected in my PC where I needed to input 1234 to connect with the bluetooth. There were two virtual ports produced after it detects the bluetooth. Then I tried putty and hyperterminal using COM5 in 9600 baud rate to try the WASD program but did not have luck. There was no lights in the link of the bluetooth while on the process. So here I go again asking your help.
By the way, many thanks for the reply.
I think my problem is my computer in managing its bluetooth. I tried using bluesoleil but it cannot detect the bluetooth.
However, I run it using my android phone’s bluetooth and I am happy about it. Here is a video on how i did it.
I used Sena BT app and it easily connects to the bluetooth bee. I may ask again if there will be problems in the future. Now I can start my project^^
Thanks Mr Benson for your advices and help.
We are aware of this issue, but it only seems to have been improperly named - it should work.
Correct, the board is based on the Arduino Uno, so that is what you select in the drop-down menu in the Arduino software.
Did you keep the jumper in place and use NiMh or other battery type? If yes, we suggest checking the charging circuit - you can leave the jumper in place and run off the NiMh or lakaline batteries - the issue is when you try charging them via USB.
Two questions:
- Did you choose the right COM port in the Arduino software?
- Do you have the Bluetooth module connected? Note that when you upload code to the rover, you cannot have the Bluetooth module connected. You have two choices: remove the BT module completely or ensure the switch is set to the XBee port which does not have the BT module connected.
Disconnect the motors, BT module and any other peripherals and connect the USB cable alone; ensure the board is picked up properly under “Device Manager” then when you open the Arduino software, ensure the Uno is selected and also the right COM port, and then upload a basic program like Blink LED.
For the XBee slots, we suggest soldering the pins to XBee2 because it leaves direct access to the XBee switch (useful when uploading code)
Did you pair with the BT module first? We use Bleusoleil here. Also, ensure you have the right Baud rate in the code as well and follow the hyperterminal procedure (Xon/Xoff etc).
Very nice video. That essentially shows you the system is working, and the cause of the error is the way your computer manages Bluetooth. If you have the chance to connect it to another computer you may diagnose the issue more (is it the software or the hardware?).