After much prodding I finally received the DFRobot Rover that I ordered in early Jan. They don’t have the solar recharging board anymore so they subbed a (much cheaper) USB charger and battery. Still paid the same price and didn’t ship some of the pieces needed to make it work. But I was just happy to finally get the thing.
For those you working through this same set of issues I thought I’d post my solution because the directions haven’t been changed to reflect the new parts. I’m sure there are other solutions but this is what I did.
First the little Sparkfun USB board came without any of the JST hardware needed to hook it up. If you didn’t get this you need to call them and have them ship it.
I soldered on both JST connectors so I could loop the battery through the charger. I mounted the little USB charger board on the rear left track bolt using an extra long bolt from the hardware store and an extra plastic spacer from the gearing kit. I mounted the battery under the bluetooth board near the front using a small piece of velcro. I spliced the two JST-to-bare jumpers together and installed the resulting female to female jumber from the charger to the power in.
I’ve attached a picture of the resulting set-up. If anybody has a more elegent solution I hope they’ll post it here.