Delta Robot v3

You can find out about this and many more robots @

This robot can be built in either a 3- or 4- arm configuration.

In a total failure of version control I called this one v2 even though it's v3.  So this is v2...2.  Wait until I get to v4!  Then things will really get fun.

This delta robot is a signifigant improvement over the last model.  I replaced the ball joints with my own design.  I can now make more of the parts in house for faster mass production.  It also means more of what I want: stiffer linkages and greater range of motion for overall greater performance.

It runs on the same code as the previous model and communicates with the outside world using gcode.  it understands G00, G01, G02, G03, and M114.  By the time you read this it might understand even more.

The next improvement will be to flip the whole thing upside down so that it can play an iphone game.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

you shoud put some kind of
you shoud put some kind of electronic suction cup over there

Good idea! Which kind do

Good idea!  Which kind do you suggest?

I actually don’t have
I actually don’t have knowledge about the suction cups. but it would be interesting to put a suction cup attached to a mini pump to control it

"Pick and Place" robots

"Pick and Place" robots used for populating PCB’s typically have a vacuum powered suction cup. Mogul has one on his M&M sorting delta robot.

**Yeah, I’ve seen that one. **

Yeah, I’ve seen that one.  It would be more than the weight of the rest of the robot.  I like to make robots that other people can make, too.  So shipping something that heavy is a real challenge.  …unless you know of a really light one?

an idea would be to use an
an idea would be to use an aquarium pump to produce suction, then just use some kind of flexible tube