I would like to make one
I would like to make one above my table and attach a griper now how does that sound?
I would like to make one
I would like to make one above my table and attach a griper now how does that sound?
Can you tell me which servos did you use in this delta robot?
metal sticks
And those metal sticks that keep the servos connected with this thing on the top of your delta robot where did you get them?
My name is Oscar Im new in this forum, Can you send me a source code that you have in C or VB 6.0 please?
Enhancing your project
Thanks for posting your bot, it inspired me to copy and enhance… See my blog post at http://prutsers.wordpress.com/2010/07/23/delta-robot-using-wii-and-arduino/
The enhancements are:
- control using a Wii Nunchuck
- proper XYZ positioning, full inverse kinematics
- standalone, all calculations done on Arduino
Thanks again, have fun!
I have no word to express my impresion,i just want to say i want to make one .
Dimensions and some more details
Fantastic job! Could you please tell us some more details? For exaple PushRods length and basament disposition. Where can I buy PushRods like this?
thanks a lot to all of you.
Control via iPhone
Hi guys! I would like to manage this delta robot via iphone. I found a way to control arduino via iphone. You can see an example in this link:
Could someone help me to modify processing code to communicate with TouchOSC? I think I could use a XY pads? Is it possible?
Please help me. Thanks a lot, Filippo
I have written a draft. Could someone check it please? Ufortunely I haven’t an iphone for testing. Anyway someone could check my new processing code. Basically I have changed just some rows. Here my code:
import oscP5.; // Load OSC P5 library
import netP5.; // Load net P5 library
import processing.serial.*;
OscP5 oscP5;// Set oscP5 as OSC connection
Serial myPort; // The serial port:
int servo1 = 0;
int servo2 = 0;
int servo3 = 0;
int serialBegin = 255;
float X,Y
void setup() {
myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[1], 115200);
void oscEvent(OscMessage theOscMessage) { // This runs whenever there is a new OSC message
String addr = theOscMessage.addrPattern(); // Creates a string out of the OSC message
// if(addr.indexOf("/1/toggle") !=-1){ // Filters out any toggle buttons
void draw() {
triangle(width/2, height, 0, 200, width, 200);
servo1 = 100-int(dist(width/2,0,X,Y)/6);
servo2 = 100-int(dist(0,height,X,Y)/6);
servo3 = 100-int(dist(width,height,X,Y)/6);
println("X "+X);
println("Y "+Y);
if (servo1 < 0){
if (servo2 <0){
if (servo3 <0){
if (mousePressed && (mouseButton == LEFT)) {
servo1 -= 20;
servo2 -= 20;
servo3 -= 20;
if (mousePressed && (mouseButton == RIGHT)) {
servo1 += 40;
servo2 += 40;
servo3 += 40;
//println("servo1 "+servo1);
//println("servo2 "+servo2);
//println("servo3 "+servo3);
My delta robot controlled via iPhone
Hi guys! At the end I have realized my own delta robot. I controll it via iPhone accelerometer. I also have implemented inverse kinematics. As soon as possible I will pubblish some implementation details. Here is my parallel robot on youtube:
Best, Filippo
have you ever seen ferrofluid i was thinking if you made some and put it on a stand over your delta bot with a magnet ontop of the bot and use ur phone to control the ferrofluid that would be really cool
Help please
Hello.Could u please give me a msn id,yahoo messenger id to talk with you.I really need help with my robot.Please.I will explain on chat what is about.Hope u understand me.Thanks.Have a great day.
Or could you please tell me how did u make the mouse interface to control the robot?I will be grateful.