Delta bot

ball joints

I have used these ball joints, but I used smaller nuts, these. That creates some extra movement.

Further, I haven’t done anything with the delta bot yet, no time :frowning:
But I thought a cutter would be cool, so you could carve 3D objects from plastic foam or something.
Although I think the programming could get a little complex.


My delta bot is posted on:

Hack a day


Make magazine

I didn’t post them

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Another Link In
At least it’s another link back to LMR!!

Yeah. Those conrad guys are
Yeah. Those conrad guys are allergic to deep links; it looks like.

Inverse and forward kinematics

Hi mjcbruin!

I found an interesting program in C language to calculate X Y Z based on the angles of the three servos and the other way around (you want to go to X Y Z, what angles must the servos have?) I translated this into a Visual Basic 6.0 program.

Would you be able to test this ? I plan to build my own Deltabot, but that will take some time…You are living in the Netherlands??



Try it this way:

go to and seach for product number 223417 for the balljoints and numer 248778 for the m2 nuts.


A good example of an industrial deltabot on BotJunkie : the FlexPicker.


When I compile the code posted above, it’s giving an error:

In function ‘void loop()’:
error: ‘serialTeller’ was not declared in this scope

whats wrong?


**serialTeller hasnt been**<br><p>serialTeller hasnt been declared, so basically the Arduino doesnt know what its supposed to be. In C you must declare variables before they are used.

Im not sure what it is supposed to be so you might have to wait until the author comes back to respond. He did say its not in english, so if anyone knows what Teller means it could give a clue as to its purpose.

As a start try adding the line int serialTeller; up at the top with the other variables.

Help :frowning:
The code’s now compiling after the declaration of serialteller, “int serialTeller;” but when i burn the code onto arduino, nothins happening…i mean i shd be able to control the servos with ma mouse, but nothin happens. im kinda new to arduino… plz help me out.

Did you install processing
Did you install processing and run the code?

Nop, can you help me figure out how i can get away with processing? I’m a Newbie :frowning:

Download and install
Download and install processing from here. Start it up, then copy and paste all the code mcb posted and marked as the processing part. Save and compile. If it doesn`t work, you might have to change the com port.

The code’s compiling, but to which pins do i connect my servos(signal)? 11, 12, 13?(from arduino code)

And how do i burn the code onto arduino? i dont see any option as such to do so in the gui of processing…

You did RTFM(website) right?

You did RTFM(website) right? Everything is explained for beginners. A little research and 2 seconds with google would have taken you there.

Maybe you should start simpler, by getting an LED to flash, then test out some servos and play with serial data before you jump right in the deep end.

Great … ! Go DELTA …

Great … !







i am having some problems with your Arduino
code the error is.

In function ‘void loop()’:
error: ‘serialTeller’ was not declared in this scope

can you help me
Thanks <o:p></o:p>


i got it int

i got it

int serialTeller;

