
My wireless rover, based on a Traxxas Stampede XL-5 and powered by a Raspberry pi, controlled over wifi.

An Adafruit 12bit, 16 channel PWM servo driver is used to control all of the servos, including steering and throttle.

The Traxxas XL-5 speed controller provides the LiPo cut off protection which activates when a single cell goes below 3.2 volts.

A miniature USB WiFi module is used for wireless communication. As of this posting, the rover hosts a python TCP server and a windows WPF application is used a as client.


For mounting all the electronics, I simply used another stampede chassis, mounted upside down.  The raspberry pi sits nicely where a battery would go.  The bonus part is it already has mounting for the servos and all the holes line up.

Hunts other robots

  • Actuators / output devices: steering servo, Pan / Tilt servo setup for the camera
  • Control method: Internet or Wifi, Controlled via ps3 controller
  • CPU: Raspberry Pi
  • Operating system: Linux
  • Power source: 2S 20C 5000mAh 7.4 volt LiPo
  • Programming language: C#, Python
  • Sensors / input devices: 720P HD Camera, 3-Axis accelerometer and magnetometer [LSM303], GPS module [MTK3339]

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