couple of months ago, i knew i want to start to make things move, work, interact, etc... and i´ve made my first order, so i bought this lovely motors.. i never dreamed that i would need gears, or transmissions boxes.. so it was a big dissapointment when I found out that a motor woudn´t drive any wheel just because it is a motor...
so, I want to give life to this guys, and without having gears.. anyone have ideas or suggestions for what can I do with these? :)
wrap rubber around the motor output shaft, and point the motor at a slight angle so the shaft touches the ground. This will function as a ridiculously small wheel, but the high RPM will make it an option. many BEAM robots use this solution.
Motor Mounts If you don’t mind me asking, where did you get those motors. Mounting motors are a real pain but those clips on those motors are exactly what I’ve been looking for.
You might want to consider a You might want to consider a smaller pully wheel attached to the larger wheel as it would help to keep the belt clean, as well as keeping it on the wheel on turns(less likely an issue but something to consider).
I know this doesn’t answer your question, but I’ve seen conduit clamps in local Ace Hardware stores (probably at Lowes or Home Depot too) that might work on holding motors. Perhaps these could help. I’ve also seen people zip-tie motors onto a peice of angle aluminum.