I'm trying to make the HC05 bluetooth module to talk with a Dagu mini Driver. I can't compile SoftwareSerial.h because of errors in the library, and plugging it in the tx and rx pin and use hardware serial doesn't work(but sending messages to serial monitor works). Same baud rate, and the chip works with other arduino. When connected, if i write something from the serial monitor on the computer it's read from the driver and written the phone connected with bluetooth, but i can't send messages from the phone to the driver. code here There is a way to get a software serial with the dagu mini driver? There is an example with dagu mini driver and a bluetooth module?
only usb -> all works only hc05 -> nope usb and hc05 ->usb works, messages get printed in serial monitor and phone, but phone can't send messages
I suffered the same problem as yours. Unfortunately the SoftwareSerial is not available for this mini driver. I asked the guy to sell minidriver on Dawn Robotics and get this answer.
I think we have to use the Serial instead. But I have not managed to get it right.
I don’t know whether you solved the problem, but I just figured it out this evening.
For wiring,
RX (board) <-> TX (HC-06)
TX (board) <-> RX (HC-06)
For programming, just use the Serial in replacing for SoftwareSerial; set the baud rate at 9600 as the standard rate for bluetooth. You do not need to declear any PIN. Remember not to use the bluetooth and the USB port at the same time.