I am trying to make robot . The arm is to rotates 360 degrees. The arm moves along horizontal axis, and up and down
Can you provide a drawing or sketch of what you envision, including dimensions? If the stepper needs to raise and lower something decently heavy, you will likely need to gear it. Try to think through some of the design and then make some sketches.
Very simple suction system: https://www.robotshop.com/en/lynxmotion-vacuum-gripper-kit.html
**thanx **
thanx alotI am trying to
thanx alot
I am trying to build a system like the one in the following video
However i have to pick a payload of 100 g approx with dimenson; length 15 mm n thick 3 mm.
For objects that
For objects that lightweight, you don’t need a geared stepper motor.You need a stepper motor connected to a lead screw, either a small linear actuator, or another stepper motor with lead screw, and a vacuum system. If you’re entirely new to robotics, you’ll have some research and design ahead of you.
thanx once again
thanx once again