Cross the gap.



Ok guys the tracking numbers will be sent out today to the winners.


Thanks for playing!!!

Thank you!

I was planning to write a more elaborate “thank you” note but I have been very busy lately so I will just get it out now, while the challenge is still somewhat fresh.

I would like to thank the organizer for putting togather a great challenge and offering all the cool prizes. I would also like to thank the other participants, their work motivated and inspired me.

I am actually not that proud of my winning robot, I think NXTreme’s robot was probably as fast as mine if not faster. I do not feel too bad about it though, because I have since built three more gap crossing robots. Unfortunately, I did not have enough time to complete and post them. I built the last two versions in my hotel room and I took some pictures, so I should have enough material to create a robot post (sometimes during the weekend). The new design is much simpler and much faster. ( here is a sneak preview )

I am thinking of sponsoring a new challenge with the same level of difficulty. I hope this one will draw even more participants. 

Thanks again for the opportunity to make some robots!



I’m going to make a new challenge at the end of this year as well.

My new game will be called “Stacks”. You’ll have to autonomously move and stack objects to win.

I had planned to use my Mr Tidy to enter “Gap”, but switched to working on my new game.

As the making a challenge rules state you can’t make a game that you can’t solve yourself.

So after I solve the game, then I’ll be able to post the new game.


On a personal note:

You guys wouldn’t know this, but I run a charity here in the US.

The prizes you guys won were mostly robot part samples I’ve purchased to evaluate their use for the charity.

(the charity does after school programs, robotics is our bread and butter)

This “Gap” game was an experiment for the charity to promote education to a world wide audience.

Frits and a couple others knew about this and gave their permission before you guys entered this competition.

When the charity does another one of these events, you guys will be able to win expensive prizes.

For example each of the 4 prizes offered in this game would normally cost you a few hundred USD each.


However next time, I’m going to have to do a better job on my side as I left this game too open and created some drama.