CR Touch Error Message for Creality Ender 3 V3

Hi. I received a new Creality Ender 3 V3 SE printer for Christmas. I put it together and turned it on and have been unable to use it because I receive a CR Touch error when I turn it on. I was told to contact customer service and customer service told me to post in this forum. Can someone please help? We purchased it back in October and now it’s past the return date even though I just opened it as a gift. Thanks for your help.

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Hi @MitchMan29 and welcome to our forum!

Sorry to hear about the problem.

Please have a look at this troubleshooting guide:

There is a section related to CR Touch Error message which says following:

Cause analysis

CR-touch Self-check Abnormality

Troubleshooting and solution

  1. Unplug and Re-plug the CR-touch, and the nozzle adapter board ribbon cable. (Note that both ends need to be re-plugged)

  2. Check the status of the CR-touch, whether the red light is flashing / there is no light flashing; whether the probe can be probed normally twice after the machine is turned on.

Let me know if this helps.