Cooking Robot

It uses a Parallax Basic Stamp and four servo motors. It will use a SOMO 14-D to read the recipes aloud. The buttons are going to be used to control the reading of the recipes. I took apart a Boe-Bot to use the chip, the servos and the frame.


I have connected the SOMO and loaded the sound bytes to it. I used the AT-T text to speech online demo to record the voice because I wanted to give it a robotic british accent.


I finished putting together all of the various bits and pieces and I programmed in a recipe for pudding. The robot can stir, read the recipe to you and time how long it needs to sit. The SOMO was resetting because of dips in current when the motors ran until I connected the motors directly to VIN. The charging port is all plugged in. I took a rechargable 6v 4 amp lantern battery and spliced a plug and socket into the middle of the cable to be able to plug the robot into the wall.

I have been working on this project for at least a year on and off and I can't believe it's finally done.

Assists with cooking

  • Actuators / output devices: Two drive servos, 4 small arm servos
  • CPU: Parallax Basic Stamp 2
  • Power source: 6v rechargeable lantern battery
  • Programming language: Basic
  • Sensors / input devices: Three Buttons
  • Target environment: indoor, kitchen counter

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

This actually really caught
This actually really caught my interest, I think it’s a great idea and that you should continue development! Possibly a cutting arm…

You want to give a robot a weapon?

The US military won’t even give a remote controlled vehicle the option to use it’s own weapons without human input. :slight_smile:


That’s too cool! 

A weapon against vegetables
A weapon against vegetables :stuck_out_tongue:

This might be interesting

Saw this a while ago, maybe some inspiration!

LOL! sudo make me a
LOL! sudo make me a sandwich!
But that is really cool!

Two Robots

I like the idea of using two robots working together