Convert electric golf push cart to RC controlled power with steering

I have basic knowledge but willing to learn. I have picked up a few ideas but need help knowing how to actually do this.
I currently have a golf push cart that has one front wheel and two rear, all forward and back only; no swivel for steering. All non-powered.
This is what I want to do:
-Add a motor, electronics so that I can move and steer it by remote control. RC remote I guess.
-To control the speed I think I would need a potentiometer. I would like to set the speed to move at a walking pace. If the cart gets out of range it would need to stop, or it might keep going.
-I would also like to add steering. I am not sure steering the real wheels would work properly. If I want to make the front steer then I would need to reconfigure the front wheel or maybe add an additional front wheel. Should I use a servo or wiper motor maybe?
-I wonder if making the front wheel a Hub motor wheel (like electric scooter). Probably an 8 inch wheel. This would mean the front wheel(s) would advance and turn. I am thinking if I add a servo on the front then maybe it needs to have two front wheels. I don’t know.
-Until Lithium Ion etc., most electric carts ran on 12V lead acid battery (25-30 AH). This is cost effective but Lithium Ion is letter long term i would think. Can it all be controlled by one battery, or would the steering need it’s own power.
I could use some help on this if someone is interested. It would be much appreciated.


Hello @Peterino

I’d say you need to learn about electronics and RC first. There are plenty of tutorials readily available on youtube like:

One of the most important thing to do when starting a project like this, is to learn the basics yourself. If you have specific questions about how to choose a single part, I see no problem in helping you, but I can’t design your project and build a full part list for you.