Convert ac to dc

i am new to this site

can u help me how to convert ac voltage to dc voltage

where can i get circuit connection for conversion

hi sivaranjini, I was new to

hi sivaranjini, I was new to this site recently & quickly discovered that for someone to help out with a question

you need to ask a comprehensive question as no one has worked out telepathy yet, damn :stuck_out_tongue:

So if you will write what AC voltage your wanting to convert to what DC voltage, it would help others point you in the right direction.


As mikv pointed out, there

As mikv pointed out, there are still a lot of unknowns about what you’re trying to achieve.
The most basic way to convert AC to DC is to drop a diode in between the ‘live’ AC line and the DC output line - this gives you half-wave rectification (which is awful). The next step up is to use 4 diodes to make a bridge rectifier, which gives you full-wave rectification, and although you’re now rectifying the whole AC waveform to DC it’s a pretty choppy and uneven output. You can add capacitors in parallel with the rectifier outputs to smooth the waveform out, but you need to know what the voltages/waveforms/frequencies are in order to properly select components for your circuit.

Check out for the basic concepts.

**To say what hasnt been**<br><p>To say what hasnt been said… dont fool with AC unless you know what youre doing!

If something you built burns your house down your insurance may not cover it.

It can KILL you.

At least make sure you use a transformer and a fuse for isolation and protection. If you have a friend who`s a sparky get him to take a look at it too.

All good points, I forget
All good points, I forget that when people talk about AC they’re usually referring to house mains voltages. If this is the case I can only recommend you use a pre-built power converter, either a small power adaptor if you only need low current (200-500mA is common, some adaptors can run up to 1A), or a proper benchtop power supply if you need more current than that.