Controlling a Raspberry Pi / Arduino Bot from the Internet Part 1 of 3

This is a three part Series to explain how I control my BotTwo semi-Autonomous Robot from a webpage on the Internet.  BotTwo has a few modes of operation.   In one of his Autonomous Modes, he can wander about aimlessly, simply avoiding objects, all the while b

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Wow this is amazing. This is

Wow this is amazing. This is exactly what I want to do with my robot, only I don’t know java so I’m trying to write a dedicated control program in Python and PySide. 

**amazing robot **

amazing robot sir, yes of course I like to know more details!! if its possible

I want to make my own robot mine is a little diferent but if you can share more information it will be very helpful!


**Great explanation **

Thank you for writing this. This is exactly what I am trying to achieve right now and its nice to see a tutorial that explans everything. I am currently trying to find a good way to get javascript and python talking. I tried setting up a websocket to do this but my apache server is causing me issues. I was thinking of trying your method where JS sends an AJAX request to php which talks to python through a websocket (without having to go through the server). 

My problem with this is that I am using the accelerometer on my phone to control my robot, so ajax would be sending several times per second, and thus calling the php script, means the websocket would be opening and closing very fast. Do you think this would be a bad idea?