Controlling 12V stepper motor with L293D

I just got my first stepper motor. I just want to tinker around with it for now. Before I got it I saw many online guides that you can control it with an L293D motor driver. Since I have one of these I bought a stepper motor. My problem is that I forgot to watch for the operating voltage of the motor and I made the mistake of buying a 12V stepper motor. 

Now I don't need the motor to spin super fast. I just want to make it turn very slowly counterclockwise and clockwise. Will it still work on the L293D? I don't need it to spin super fast or anything, super slow rpm is all I need. 

Here are pictures:




That steppers motor inside

That steppers motor inside have 2 coils, which each has two wires. To find a coild try to spin the stepper axle by hand and check with a led which pair gets current and the orientation of the coil. Then attach the wires to the driver, coil a as motor a and coil b as motor b, with same orientation. You may check on google stepper color wires. The microcontroller then can drive the stepper in full step mode. The L293 can drive this motor