Controller decision

Hey, im fairly new to robotics as well as programming and i recently brought the famed BRAT that lynx sells. Currently i am looking for a micro as a controller and i am deciding between a Basic atom and a Basic stamp, so which one would be more recommended for a begginer like me? (i learn quick though :smiley: , so that isnt an issue)

Have you considered the Atom PRO with its increased program memory (32 KB vs 13 KB for the Basic Atom), faster speed and more features?


Actually, yes ive been recently examining the atom pro and im pretty impressed by it. My only question is, how hard is it to learn the language? and is it the same one the regular atom uses?

It is no more difficult to learn to program the Atom PRO than it would be to learn the Basic Atom, Basic Stamp, or any other similar microcontroller.

It’s a little more difficult if you are transitioning from a Basic Atom, to an Atom PRO because there are several differrences in the way things work. However, those differences are pretty well documented here, so that makes it much easier. It was a lot easier than I thought it would be for me to convert my Basic Atom code for W.A.L.T.E.R. to the Atom PRO. I already have working Atom PRO code for the IRPD, Sharp IR Ranger and the PING Ultrasonic Ranger. I need to get some of the other sensors Lynxmotion sells and write Atom PRO code for them also.


Thanks for the reply!

Your info has helped me and im gonna choose the atom pro to work with now. My last question is how do you get the atom pro to coop with an ssc 32?

There is a complete connection diagram in both the Bot Board II and/or SSC-32 manuals. It shows how to get them to work together. It also shows several different robot configuration connection setups.


Hey, last question, do you know any books that give good descriptions on how to make bipeds/multi leg robots walk? A book would significantly help me with my brat.


this could help you depending on what your doing:

I don’t know of any, sorry. I have a BRAT also, and just have it taking half a step now reliably. It starts out leaning to the left and stepping with the right, and finally gets over onto the right foot. I just have to complete the sequence for the full step.


The tutorial I gave you the link to will help you figure out the angles needed to make the BRAT successfully take a step. Ofcourse, apply these angles to your method of controlling the BRAT, and you should be walking in no time.

Thanks for the support its really helping me, i hope to have pics and vids soon, then ill hope to add some extras to the brat like a torso or something.