hello i am a student at Palo Verde Highschool in tucson arizona. This is a tritrak unit my school has produced, it uses three boards, a matchport, an SSC-32 and a sabertooth 2X10 RC. We recently ran into some problems when we tried switching to lithium polymer batteries and forgot to flip the dip switches on the sabertooth. We replaced the board and it works fine but our track controls do not work as they did before. It used to work as shown in Fig1 but now servos 16 and 17 each control the tracks independently instead of as a group. We set the sequencer to control them as a group but this still did not work. does anybody have any suggestions?
Just to Clarify what we’re trying to do
We need to make a sabertooth that is meant to control 4 motors control only two the same way as if it still had four. So one control for forward backwards motion and one control for left and right motion. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
You’re not giving us much to go on. There are no sabertooth motor controllers designed for 4 motors. They are all designed for 2 motors. We just use them with chassis that have two, four, and 6 motors. Don’t think of the sabertooth as a (x number of motors) controller. Think of it as a two channel motors controller where each channel can have one, two, or three motors. For a reality check just open LynxTerm and enter the following commands.
#16 P1500 #17 P1500 CR
This should stop both motors (you may need to set up an offset to stop them perfectly.) Now type in the following.
#16 P2000 #17 P2000 CR
Now the motors should be rotation (hopefully both in the same direction.) Now type in the following.
#16 P1000 #17 P1000 CR
Now they both should be rotating in the opposite direction. If you are able to do these tests, then the motor controller and SSC-32 are working properly. If that’s the case, you should be all set to troubleshoot your SEQ issues. Here is the tutorial for using it.