Contents of the Electronics Surprise Box Revealed!

For any of you who have shopped around at the Electronics Goldmine (whom I highly recommend you may have been sceptical about ordering the electronics surprise box from the misc. section. Maybe you didn't know what was in it, would it be worth it, or what kinds of components and parts are in it. Well today is your lucky day because here is what came in mine! Now you can decide for yourself. (Note: not all surprise boxes contain the same typs of parts, it is purely random)

Unfortunately ther are to many photos to fit here, so have a look at my flickr set here:

i love grab bags, i am

i love grab bags, i am definetly picking up one of those boxes soon


Everbody loves the grab bag thing when it is legitt, if the company gives your money’s worth of stuff you come out ok but when it is 100 pieces for $100 it kinda sounds good but if you get 100 resistors it’s hardly right though it is leagal. I only get the grab bag if it shows a picture of what is in it or states what you can expect or if im in the store and can look in…

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