Connecting the motor to the Arduino

I bought the DFRobotShop Rover V2 - Arduino Compatible Tracked Robot (Autonomous Development Kit) and am currently constructing it.
I have the gear box constructed but I don’t see the wires outlined in the assembly video @2:16

I got the non solder version so perhaps I’m looking for something else?
I received 20 jumper pin wires too but there appears to be some kind of cap on them maybe but they don’t look like they would attach the the motors like the wires shown in the video

The black wire should have come coiled in the small hardware bag, included with the two metal frame components. You would need to cut this wire into four parts.
Not sure what you mean by “20 jumper pin wires”; can you provide a photo?


I found the bag with the wire in it now. For some reason it was secreted away inside the bag with the frame for the robot.

It’s of little consequence but here’s the wires I was referring to Not sure what they are used for?

If you have those wires, it’s because you purchase the DFRobotShop Rover autonomous kit. Those wires are used to connect the IR compound eye to the IO board.
You would only need a few wires, so you’ll find you can “tear away” only the number you need from the rest of the wires and it makes for very clean wiring.
Do whatever you want with the spare wire left over.

Yes thank you.

Regarding the original question. I’ve cut the long wire into 4 smaller wires now but I seem to be having some trouble stripping the wire, any advice? I don’t have a wire stripper

Quick search online for how to strip wires without a wire stripper… one of many results:
An exacto knife or other blade can be used to cut the shielding while avoiding cutting the metal wire inside.

In my first year of engineering at University, we didn’t have wire strippers when we were doing a sumo robot contest. We used our teeth.

Note: I do not recommend this… as anything but a last resort haha