Connecting Bluetooth

Hi, I bought my rover years ago and because of university I did not have a chance to have a play.
I would like to use the Bluetooth capability but I can not find any documentation on it. I have the first version of the rover and Bluetooth module. Anyone have an idea how to go about configuring the board to accept connectivity? I read on here about changing the xebee switch from one to two, however my board does not have any switches labelled xeebee! any help eg where to find the correct documentation.

Could be one of a few things:
a) What baud rate are you trying to use? The Bluetooth Bee included with the DFRobotShop Rover Bluetooth kit operates at 9600, which means the Rover code also needs to be changed since it’s set to 115200 (USB control). First things first, update the code and re-upload it to the Rover.
b) Check the orientation of the Bluetooth Bee - the triangular part should be facing the REAR of the board, not the front.
c) Check which COM port is associated with Tx for the computer’s Bluetooth, and also check to ensure the software you are using (Hyperterminal for example) is also set to 9600 baud, Xon/Xoff etc. as indicated in the manual.

Do you have the rover working via USB cable? That ensures it’s correctly set up. If yes, then disconnect the USB cable, change the baud rate in the WASD program to 9600 and re-upload the code. Power the robot off, connect the BT module (facing forward) and turn the robot back on. The light on the BT module should flash. You then need a program to pair with the BT module from the computer (Windows normally has this built in). The pairing code is either 1234 or 0000. Your BT software should tell you that it’s paired properly. Once this is done, you can send commands (letters ‘w’, ‘a’, ‘s’ or ‘d’) one at a time via the Arduino serial monitor (press enter after each, and ensure you choose the right COM port associated with the computer’s BT module). If you encounter issues, tell us the steps you followed.

Here is a link to the Bluetooth module I have, the board however is no longer on the site