Connect a raspberry to boatborduino to drive hexapod


I have phoenix hexapod with SSC(32U and boatborduino
i works with ps2 controler but i want to add a raspberry to have possibility to drive hexapod from my smartphone by sendind commands.
boatborduino is “loaded” with phoenix code, there is 2 serial connections on boatboarduino if i remember well
actually one is connected to SSC-32 and now comes questions :

  • do i need to remove existing connection between boatborduino and ssc-32u and plug instead my raspberry serial port (with voltage adapter) ?
    or is it possible to plug serial port of raspberry on second serial port of boatboarduino ? in this case it should be perfect because i will drive with my ps2 or my raspberry…

  • i don’t understand informations in documentations of boatborduino, is it possible to send a command on serial port wich will makes move my hexapod on left or right in front etc ?
    i mean simply as my PS2 remote but with commands ,
    do you have an example of theses commands because in documentation i found only commands to drive one servo but it is not clear to me how to make a “complete” move …

thanks you very much for your help

Best regards


no ideas ? :wink:

I think you misunderstand the command-chain. Take a look in the unit PS2_controller.cpp.
As you can see, there will be set up some behavior for walking/moving.
The Main unit will consider these settings for calculating the servo positions.
In the next controller cycle these positions may be changed. There is no code for making a complete move.
It will be calculated based on the settings made by the user and the actual position of the robot.
If you try to modify the input source, I suggest you take the original PS2_controller.cpp and modify it so that it
will respond onto your commands send by serial interface.


To use the Raspberry Pi to control the Phoenix, you would need to replace the BotBoarduino with Raspberry Pi and not the SSC-32U.
As the SSC-32U is the servo controller, you would need to get the Raspberry Pi to talk to your SSC-32U via serial.
You can find further information about using the Raspberry Pi to control the SSC-32U on this thread.

Hi bdaouas
Thanks you !