Hi. I am new to this site and I apologize if I did not post this in the right place. I am very interested in the hexapods and I’ve been wanting one for quite some time. However, after reading forums here and watching videos on Youtube, I am confused about how the term “autonomous” is being used. It seems to me that ‘autonomous,’ at least in relation to hexapods, simply means a pre-programmed gait or set of motions. I have experience with some other robotics and I know that it is possible to, for instance, set up a line-following robot, one that reacts to loud sounds a specific way, or one that is attracted to certain colors. I know that with less advanced sets (such as Lego Mindstorms) it is possible to build a robot which searches for colored balls, etc. I was curious if these things would be possible with a hexapod. I know extra sensors would have to be bought and programmed. But is it possible to, with appropriate sensors and programming, have the hexapod curl up in response to a loud sound, adapt it’s gait to different terrain it may encounter, or just walk around and explore on its own? And if this is not possible, could someone please explain why? Thanks!
Yes everything you said is possible, but you will have to search how to do it
In fact, when we say “autonomous”, it mean that the bot don’t need an external controller (R/C controller, PS2 controller, bluetooth, …) to make it interact with its environnment.
Lego’s sets and so on are simplier to use, it’s just plug and play for kid, but you’re very limited in the possibilities.
With Lynxmotion’s bot, you can do everything you want, but you will need to learn about electronics, programming, … in order to make those things.
Do you want to make something especially ?
Here’s a cool looking autonomous hexapod project I found