Complete Beginners

Hi. I have never made or thought about doing robotic, but my daughter is fascinated about the subject and has decided she wants to make a robot.


She wants to make something that can move forwards and backwards as well as steer left and right.


Where do I start? Are there any fairly simple designs to get started on?


Many Thanks 


There are a LOT of simple designs available.  I recommend you take a look under “Start Here” on this site.  Up at the top left, right under the Let’s make robots logo, you should see a “Start Here” link.  Take a look there and see what looks good to you.

Once you figure out what you want to build, other members here can help you out with any specific questions.

It would be helpful if you told us what background you have.  



Age will play a huge part in whatever we can suggest. Can you share? I’m imagining ~7-9 years old? Do you have estimate a budget? Browse these categories for some initial ideas: