Compatibility CC engine

Hello, I’m new on this forum, and…I’m French!
Please be nice to me.

I have a CC engine and I would like to replace it.
This engine come from à pool blaster max.
The reference of the engine is :
rs555ph-5125vn dc8.4V/CW
I haven’t find the same, but I find this référence on the website

I have some questions and I need your help.
Do you think it’s a good idea to replace my engine by the new one?
Do you think it’s possible to use this with 8,4V ( and not 12V nominal) powered by a battery?
I need to have a gear on the Shaft, and I don’t now what reference I can choice.

thank you for your help.

Bonjour Alain,

Avez-vous une photo du moteur original?

Il est difficile de garantir que le remplacement fera dans votre appareil.

Si le manufacturier recommande 12V pour le fonctionnement de l’appareil, il est très difficile de dire si le produit pourra bien fonctionner sur 8,4V.