RobotShop is the leading source for domestic robot technology. We offer a varied selection of Robot Vacuums and our services are unmatched. We have several models of robotic vacuum cleaners and it sometimes can be difficult to choose the right model for a situation or environment.
That’s why RobotShop offers a robot vacuum comparison table. Models of robot vacuums vary by region so we have different comparison tables all depending on where you live:
-Compare Robot Vacuums for Canada
-Compare Robot Vacuums for U.S.
-Compare Robot Vacuums for France and Europe
Examples of robot vacuums compared are the Neato Robotics, iRobot Roomba and Samsung Navibot robot vacuums. This table will help you choose the main features that suit you, from price to included accessories for each model.
RobotShop also offers a 5 year warranty on all robot vacuums. This RobotShop Limited Lifetime Warranty applies only on selected items. Such as all Robot Vacuums, some Robots for Pets and some Robot Floor Cleaners. This warranty is for normal, noncommercial use only.
This warranty is supported directly by the RobotShop Repair Center. If a product has the RobotShop Lifetime Warranty, it is noted in the product description.
RobotShop repairs or replaces the defective product free of charge during its useful lifespan (5 years for Domestic Robots) if the defect is caused by a problem with the material or manufacturing of the product. Please find the details of this limited lifetime warranty in the warranty section on our website.