Compare Arduino & LynxMotion square root times

I have compared the times required by the Arduino sqrt(N) function and the corresponding function isqrt32(N) used in the BotBoarduino_CH3R_PS2.ino code. I found the Arduino function to be more than 4 times faster and significantly more accurate. My code computes the square root of 5500 100000 times for each method. After uploading it there is a 5 second delay to let you enable the serial monitor. Here is my code:

[code]unsigned long time;
unsigned long start_time;
unsigned long end_time;
unsigned long dt;
unsigned long N = 5500;
unsigned long cycles = 100000;
double result;

// Square root function from BoardArduino code
unsigned long isqrt32 (unsigned long n) //
unsigned long root;
unsigned long remainder;
unsigned long place;

    root = 0;
    remainder = n;
    place = 0x40000000; // OR place = 0x4000; OR place = 0x40; - respectively

    while (place > remainder)
    place = place >> 2;
    while (place)
            if (remainder >= root + place)
                    remainder = remainder - root - place;
                    root = root + (place << 1);
            root = root >> 1;
            place = place >> 2;
    return root;


void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // open the serial port at 9600 bps
delay(5000); // Time available to actuate serial monitor

void loop() {
Serial.print("Compare times to compute square root of ");
Serial.println(N, DEC);

start_time = millis();
for (double i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
result = sqrt(N);
end_time = millis();
dt = end_time - start_time;
Serial.print("Arduino result = ");
Serial.println(result, DEC);
Serial.print("Arduino time = ");
Serial.println(dt, DEC);

start_time = millis();
for (double i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
result = isqrt32(N);
end_time = millis();
dt = end_time - start_time;
Serial.print("LynxMotion result = ");
Serial.println(result, DEC);
Serial.print("LynzMotion time = ");
Serial.println(dt, DEC);




Compare times to compute square root of 5500
Arduino result = 74.1619873046
Arduino time = 1188
LynxMotion result = 74.0000000000
LynzMotion time = 4975

It looks like it would be better to use the Arduino function.

Yep, might be good. Nice find.

Actually they both have the same integer resolution… At the time, the idea was to avoid having to bring in the floating point libraries into the code base, which may not be important.
