Companion Bot

Meant to sit and jiggle gently while ticking reassuringly.

Actually it was meant to manic-ly jitter and jiggle on a smooth surface but I couldn't do it so I changed it :-)

In the long run I will be glad I did.

My husband is already glad.

jiggle and tick

  • Operating system: solar engine

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I like the horse design with

I like the horse design with the capacitors.

Nice work! Beside, it’s an

Nice work! Beside, it’s an art!! I love it~

I think this is your best

I think this is your best work yet, and I really liked your other creations! How awesome!

Very nice,I like your nice

Very nice,I like your nice creations. Well done!

**Very sculptural **

The capacitors look like vertebra & spinal column

Thanks for the support!

This is such a supportive group it really helps alleviate newbie jitters  :slight_smile:


Yeah, we are just too nice.

Yeah, we are just too nice. Maybe we should try out some sh!t talking? You know? Bad mouth each others robots? For fun?

Example: "My robot could WEAR your robot for bling!"

Wait. Now I feel guilty. Sorry about that. This just isn’t going to work.

Your robots are awesome. ; j

**Its just not in your**<br><p>Its just not in your programming to be mean ig. :slight_smile:

Make sure to tell your friends

Please DO tell this to all your robot making friends. Especially to all your lady robot making friends. This community needs more observations like this one. And I blame the 99% male population for that.


Ohh, don’t forget, this includes your students. They are all potential future LMR’ ians and LMR’ienettes!