Companion bot

I am working on making a companion-ish bot but I am still new to robotics so I’m not entirely sure where to start. It will have four legs, be made with arduino, and likely take the shape of a dog. Any ideas on where to start would be amazing!

Take a look at existing quadruped robots to help you get started: … forms.html
Most use servo motors (RC or “smart”)

So what are some ways I can use those to help me? Genibo Robot Dog is the one thats closest to what I want but with a few different things, so close but not totally right. But I dont have enough money to buy it and see how it works or anything. Should I ask the creator questions about it or…?

If you want to create a custom quadruped walking robot, there’s a lot to learn not only about mechanics, inverse kinematics and programming, but also about walking gaits etc.
Creating a walking robot is quite a few times more complex than a wheeled robot.

Yeah, I actually was thinking about that yesterday and decided it was going to have wheels instead. Lol