Commercial rover derived from A4WD1?

Call me crazy, but this looks suspiciously identical to the A4WD1, with a lot of pre-assembled and packaged parts (and a rather substantial markup).

I’m just wondering: Are they re-distributors of the kit, or copycats?

meh, they might even buy some of the parts from LM or a disty but I don’t think there are any laws against what they are doing. they do not appear to be claiming to have anything to do with LM at a commercial level (like referencing them for tech support). it just looks like they knocked off an A4WD1 and made some extra holes, put it together with a suite of accessories, tested it, probably wrote some software, and sell it as a completed package. Now if they are bundling any LM apps w/o paying for them… not so great. :frowning:

Not my stuff. They are doing nothing wrong.

Just looks like a knockoff to me.

Cool, just curious.

It looks to me like their own design. I agree that it has similarities (4 wheels and a base) but the components are unique except the RC tires which are available everywhere.

You’re right about the cost. One could build one of these for a fraction of the cost using LM parts however the cost is not all that unreasonable considering it is constructed of aluminum panels has a camera and is factory assembled ready to run out-of-the-box. They need to be able to make some sort of profit so not so bad if you look at it that way.

It even uses the same motors (GHM-12).