How can I make a mexican wave movement?
I no nothing electronically or mechanicaly, therefore whatever I do must rely on simple ways.
I have some servo's, and a servo tester ( to create a constant movement for me) and can get hold of anything I may need.
what construction do I need to create a 'mexican wave effect'?
This is needed for my 'flopping fish' project.
No idea what a "Mexican wave effect" is.
Cheers Oddbot. I’ve have a
Cheers Oddbot. I’ve have a go.
Salvage; You’ve not heard of a ‘mexican wave’? that’s a little strange…
Actually…You couldn’t
You couldn’t link me to an example of a geared motor with a long shaft could you? … I don’t really know what I’m looking for…
Thanks again…
Mexican wave
Living in a border state, the only Mexican wave I’m familiar with is the flood of illegals coming accross our border, but I was pretty sure that isn’t what you were talking about:-)
buy one geared motor, and
buy one geared motor, and buy one long shaft, attach these together…
Is your mexican wave the fenomenon where all the spectators on a sport stadium audience rise up from their seat, and everybody does it half a second later than the person to their right, thus creating an illusion of a wave traveling around the stadium?
What kind of size/weight/etc will this thing be? If it’s fairly small a motor from polulu or solarbotics will do, If you’re making it in a 1:1 scale you’ll need 6000 wheel-chair motors…
Okay. Yes that’s the
Yes that’s the mexican wave :).
I am making it to scale yes. The fishes body ( not including the tail) is hand sized.