Coffee Delivery Robot

Coffee Delivering Robot - Delivers coffee between two fixed points: My lecturers office and the staff room (which are on the same floor).

delivers coffee to my lecturer, from the staffroom

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at



the path from the office to

the path from the office to the staff room is hardcoded into the microcontroller, using a combination of wall following and straight line PID feedback control. Guess ill need to upload a pic of the actual path.

yeah, much more :wink: Even

yeah, much more :wink: Even hardcoded the failure could happen when the path is blocked or some conditions are changed. 

the front sensor is used for

the front sensor is used for obstacle detection. If the robot comes into contact with an obstacle it will stop and wait. If the object is still blocking the path after some time, it will try to maneuver a way around the object, and restablish itself on the path.

How did you determine the

How did you determine the path? Yes, please show us the picture :slight_smile: