We understand that the DFRobotShop Rover is ideal not only for remote control but for autonomous programming. However, given the near infinite variety of possible third party sensor combinations which can be connected to the Rover, any code we create would need to be customized. We are entertaining the idea of creating an upgrade kit for the DFRobotShop Rover, but at this time it is just a concept.
The best appraoch is to to learn the software either by following the tutorials online or purchasing the Arduino book. The sample code in the manual uses “cases” which turn the motors at full speed in specific directions or have them stop. Cases however are not required and users are fee to create their own code, which is part of the learning process.
In order to make the Rover autonomous, you can send commands which have the rover move in specific directions for predetermined time (move forward for 5 seconds, then turn left for 2s, then move forward etc.). For true autonomous control, you would need to add a sensor (such as the Sharp distance sensor). Instead of using cases, you could use an “if” statement (if sensorvalue < 100, stop, reverse for 5 seconds, turn left, then continue).
We do appreciate the feedback that you would like autonomous code ready to go and we will likely do so with the creation of the upgrade kit.
Hope this helps,