Hi Guys, This is my second robot.

I use flex sensor + glove to control this robot hand .










  • Actuators / output devices: 10 Micro Servo
  • CPU: Arduino Duemilanove
  • Power source: Power Adapter
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at


This is my new favorite project :slight_smile:

Sign language



PS: I absolutely LOVE the

PS: I absolutely LOVE the second picture. What a great image. Should be good enough for some photographer competition!

Fantastic photography, well

Fantastic photography, well built device. Collected.

Thanks bro!

Thanks bro !

Thanks a lot !

Thanks for your collect and the sign language. haha!



Many Thanks !

Thanks for your collect !


Android is the best !!!


Well done dude. The photos

Well done dude. The photos are awesome, the hand as well. I also love the last picture…

But now still critics…please more about the project. If you have plan, phots of the process building it…all the stuff, not only the finished thing :slight_smile: Thanks

Thank you !

Thanks for your comment.

Next time I will snap the photo of the building process.

Thanks a lot !