Cleaning bot project

Hello. This is my debut at LMR.My actual project is a cleaning bot with no wheels. It works with a simple PICAXE 28X1 board. Instead of wheels the robot moving with three servos-two continuous and an alternatating one.The movement ahead process is also a cleaning process. The beta version is is a quick work and only an experiment for a non-wheeled and non-climbing bot.



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Haha, that’s really an

Haha, that’s really an useful gadget…well done and welcome to LMR.

I hope to see more details about this cleaning bot…awesome…

Thats pretty clever and

Thats pretty clever and effective.  I like the repurposing of the cd case.   good job.


A amazing new mode of locomotion!

Nice bot.
I like the way it moves. Keep up the good work.

haha, now i can convince my

haha, now i can convince my wife to proceed with my robot projects :wink: she needs a bot like this too…

more bots doing the housework means more time to build them :wink:

**Cool **

It’s fun ! I like it !!!

Good work.

Great idea

 Mabe a robot I can mabe convince wifey to like. lol


I like the movement of the robot! It cool!

good job

That has a pretty nice design, good job!