Chucky 1.0


in EMAIL I sent you wrote this code to work with the program in Visual! simply getting upload arduino in the code and then open the v.bnet program, put the com port who is the arduino and connect ! with scrollbar move each servo separately! purpose of this program I gave you is to see the value of servo to create step by step and after a motion to write a near Arduino to walk! good luck. My code works fine in my own robots

I love cheap interesting

I love cheap interesting robots.  Even if things didn’t work out the way you hoped, you learned a lot and I’m sure you’ll reach your goal.

BTW, that’s what cheap servos are for–Abuse and wreck the cheap ones, so that when you spend the money for better ones, they serve you long and well.

Got it walking! check out

Got it walking! check out the video. 

Sir.this kind of creation


this kind of creation would help me on my project about bipped robots…

ive been struggled on how i balance, analyze my project…

can you send me the code sir??.it would be very help… your kind and consederation will be appreciated…


Sure no problem. would you

Sure no problem. would you like me to email it to you?

thank you for your reply…my

thank you for your reply…

my email is [email protected]

ones again thank you so much it would be a help


thank you

thank you for your reply…

my email is [email protected]

ones again thank you so much it would be a help

pls help

i hope you can send me the code sir because im struggling in my project and my servos are easily damage…im also make a prototype about your project for experiment but not succes though…

thank you very much…

Nice robot, I’m glad you had

Nice robot, I’m glad you had the determination to complete it and learn so much with it! Congratulations!

I had the same rattling problems on my robot with the cheap blue servos (I used HXT900) so I changed them with Turnigy TGY S3101S that are a little bigger (mini servos, not micro) but they are more precise and do not rattle. And they are a little more powerful. They cost $2 more from but I think they are worth it. Also, because they are the same size as the Hitech mini servos, you can use the mini SES brackets that Lynxmotion sells. Another thing that you can do to reduce weight is use a LiPo battery (2S), and a uBEC set for 6V. This way you have a lighter battery, higher voltage reduced by a switching regulator (the uBEC) that will keep the servos working until the battery is depleated. Make sure you monitor the battery’s voltage though, you don’t want it to drop too low so the charger will say it’s defective. More things to learn, but in the end they are worth it.



Totally Cool



Thanks. These servos are

Thanks. These servos are very cheap but they got the job done lol. I plan on buying stronger servos and making a better bot with arms and a head full of sensors if I find the time.

I will send it as soon as i

I will send it as soon as i can.

code please

sir ,

i have been thinking about making a biped for a long time but i am very weak at writing the code can u please send me the code .

my email id is [email protected]

if u can spare your valuable time and send me the code il be very grateful of you .


code please

sir ,

i have been thinking about making a biped for a long time but i am very weak at writing the code can u please send me the code .

my email id is [email protected]

if u can spare your valuable time and send me the code il be very grateful of you .


Sent. Good Luck!

Sent. Good Luck!

I would also like the code please!

I am planning on making one that is life size. Your code would help me get a good start. 

I know that I will need to tune it in for the height. 





thomasfromla (at) hotmail (dot) com

I also like the code please

sir ,

I’m thinking about making a biped for a long time but i am also very weak at writing the code can you please send me the code .

my email id is [email protected]

if you can spare your valuable time and send me the code,that will be very grateful of you.

robot code

hi there i want to make your robot that you have made and i am new can you send me the code 

my email is [email protected] 


**code for the project … **

nice work sir … 

i am working on my school project " Waling robot ".

i am almost finished with my structure . i need the code . can you send me on my id 

[email protected]