Cheaper Components

Alright. I'm a freshman in highschool. I just moved. My previous home was also the best place for being an electronics person. I had a job that payed well, and I worked most of the week, got at least $60 a week. Now I'm out of that job, and I can't even get on my bike to go to radio shack. Why? I live off a highway, in the Ohio University area. I can't even ride a bike on my street.

I'm looking for A) Cheap Components, B) A job suggestion for someone who can't get out of their own yard without a car, or C) Some sort of company or fund that gives teens money for hobby robotics that don't have any other purpose other than furthering their robotics education. All suggestions are nice.

And by "Job", I mean something with pay stubs and a time clock. No Walk Dogs or Mow Lawns crap.